ICHAD Speaker Series: Tuesday, Sept 10 | 12:30 PM – 01:30 PM | Dr. Pauline Byakika

The Global Threat and Drivers of Antimicrobial Resistance with Special Focus on Sepsis and Malaria

We are delighted to kick of the 2024-2025 ICHAD Speaker Series with Distinguished Visiting Scholar Dr. Pauline Byakika-Kibwika, Professor and Head of Department of Internal Medicine at Makerere University College of Health Sciences, and incoming Vice Chancellor at Mbarara University of Science and Technology. She is the Director of the Research Directorate at the Department of Medicine and is actively involved in teaching, clinical care, research and administration. As Director, she is responsible for coordinating the research agenda for the department and reviewing the science and ethics of students’ research projects. She is a fellow of Uganda National Academy of Sciences, and consultant for the Ministry of Health and partners for Malaria and HIV/AIDS Control. At a regional level, Pauline is a Commissioner of the East African Health Research Commission.

This is a hybrid event that will be held on Zoom and in person in Brown Lounge. Lunch provided starting at 12:15 pm on first come, first serve basis for in-person attendees.

For more information, click on the link