Ti Zaa Bohimma! (Let’s learn together)

Ti Zaa Bohimma!(Let’s learn together), July 2024-June 2025

Ti Zaa Bohimma! (let’s learn together): Making risks associated with child labor visible in schools and communities in Northern Ghana

PIs: Ozge Sensoy Bahar, Penina Acayo Laker, Alice Boateng (University of Ghana)

Funding: Here & Next Tier 2 Interdisciplinary Project Funding, Washington University in St. Louis (July 2024-June 2025)

Project team members: Dr. Abdallah Ibrahim, Joe Osei, Anas Sulamana

Implementing partner: BasicNeeds Ghana

Study Coordinators: Kingsley Kumbelim (Ghana), Frederick Godwill Amissah (WashU)

Ti Zaa Bohimma will develop a set of age-appropriate, culturally relevant signage and messaging around adolescent girls’ unaccompanied migration for work (specifically Kaya work) and associated risks in Northern Ghana. More specifically, the study will co-design these visuals together with school-going adolescent girls through a series of workshops that will also be informed by focus groups with adolescent girls, school leadership, and Kayayei (head load carriers) returnees, to raise awareness about factors and risks associated independent child migration for labor among this population. These visuals will then be displayed in classrooms and other relevant school structures.